Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I know that I have quite a few people who have been asking about last Saturday. I will start with what I do remember of that day. John and I went to his cousin Lauren's house for a bbq. John's family and their friends were there and we were all having a good time. The only person there that I had met that was there (obviously other than John) was Lauren. John and Lauren were talking about memories that they had from growing up and about what other people in the family were up to. The last thing that I remember is that Lauren was getting John his Dad's, John's Uncle Marty's, phone number for him off of his phone. The next thing I remember is everyone being surrounded around me and John telling me to just stay with him and then Lauren saying that the ambulance is almost there. Once the paramedics got there they started asking me questions and when I would try to talk I could just mumble. I couldn't talk completely until I got to the hospital a half hour away and the last thing that I was able to ask is if I was going to be alright. I knew that there was something wrong with me but I still to this day have no memory of it.
I guess that what happened is that we were all sitting around talking. John and Lauren were talking about his Dad's move to Washington Dc and all of the things that he still hadn't gone and seen since he has been back there. I was talking with them and I remember everything up to when it happened. John all of a sudden heard the chair that I was sitting in shaking. It was pretty dark outside at that point but he looks over and asks if I am OK. I now know that I was having a seizure. John held on to me for the whole time and talked to me and told me to just stay with him. Lauren and Jarad's Mom had stopped by and her daughter had just had a baby. When she had the baby she had a seizure so she knew that I was having one.
Throughout the whole pregnancy my blood pressure was very good, I didn't even have one high reading and it was monitored every few hours during my whole month stay in the hospital, but my first reading in the ambulance was 170 something/ over something. It turns out that I got postpartum eclampsia. Most people get preeclampsia or eclampsia but the rare few get postpartum eclampsia. Basically I will be OK now that it has happened. Who knows if John will be though, he is pretty traumatized.

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