Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Our life lately

Recently I changed our schedule. I am trying to get the babies to eat more food so that eventually they will eat less formula. Also I was tired of them staying up so late because I felt that I wasn't ever getting a break. All 3 of them love eating, especially taking bites of whatever I am eating.
8:00 wake/bottle
10:00 solids
10:30-12:30 nap
12:30 bottle
2:30 solids
4:00 bottle
4:30-6:30 nap
6:30 solids
8:30 bottle
9:00 bed
So far this is working out great.

The boys are now both crawling and are trying to pull themselves up on things. Alyssa is sitting really well and rolls all over. She is still scooting backwards while laying on her back. All 3 of them are all over thank goodness I have them pinned in. Christina let us borrow her baby fences and we have the whole living room surrounded by them so that they have an area that they are completely safe in. This is so nice because if I have to leave the room for a second they are safe, except maybe from each other.

Last Wednesday Auntie Emily moved back from Kentucky. They love their Auntie and she loves spending time with them. It is nice that they now have an Aunt that actually wants to be part of their life and they are excited to play with her.

On Saturday we went to the houseboat. The babies had to wear their life jackets for the first time. Mason and Kyle liked them, Alyssa didn't (this doesn't surprise me one bit). While on the houseboat they swam naked in a little pool, they LOVED it. Now we have a little pool at our house for them to play in.

Alyssa's first tooth

Alyssa got her first tooth (bottom left) on June 16th and her right bottom tooth is close.

Mason has 4 teeth (2 middle top and 2 middle bottom) and Kyle has 2 teeth (2 middle bottom teeth).

I just want to say that teething sucks!!!! Crabby babies x 3 is miserable. Plus, since their mouths hurt they want to chew on everything including their siblings.