Friday, August 20, 2010


Today we had the ultrasound to see if Alyssa has shown growth... she has! 2 weeks ago she was estimated to weigh 1lb 1oz and today she was estimated to weigh 1lb 4oz which is 8 days worth of growth in 14 days. I am so happy that she grew a little bit. This puts her over 500 grams which is what the NICU says is the size where all the equipment will work for a small baby. Right now the plan is to wait 2 more weeks and then do another ultrasound. Then they will evaluate what to do next. That happens to be 9-3 and will make me 32w 5d. They said that they want to try to get me to 34 weeks if possible then we will have a scheduled c-section. 34 Weeks is on 9-12 but that is a Sunday so they will most likely be delivered on a different day. Also, they are going to continue to monitor Alyssa 24/7 so that means more hospital time for me. That much time in the hospital sounds awful but I am willing to do it because it is way better for them. During the ultrasound they did a cord test and there is no change :D
Both of the boys are still doing super. Both of their cords look good and they are both starting to grow big. Today Kyle was estimated to be 2lb 12oz and Mason is estimated to be 3lb 4oz. This makes them both in the 35-45 percentile for singletons which is very good for triplets.
Right now we are very happy with this news and we are just praying that everything continues to go as it is and that everyone continues to grow.

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