Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 10

Today is day number 10 that I have been in the hospital. When we rushed down here last Thursday I thought that I was going to have them at some point that weekend. So far everything has stayed the same, which is good. I think that everyone here is surprised with how well Alyssa is doing based on her cord. I sorta feel bad because everything has been all about Alyssa and there are 2 other babies in there. I guess that they just are doing so well that they haven't really needed to be worried about. So this is to Kyle and Mason, I love you both and I am happy that you guys aren't causing me to worry and stress that your sister is.


  1. I will keep you and your babies in my prayers. Hope Alyssa keep growing and you can make it to 34-36 weeks and be able to take all your babies home right away

  2. Hang in there, Ashley, and go Alyssa, GO!
