Saturday, September 11, 2010

8 Days Old

Mason, Kyle, and Alyssa are all still doing very well. How feeding preemies works is that they start out receiving their nutrients as fluids though iv's. They are then given milk through their feeding tubes and as they get more and more milk they get less and less iv fluids. Once they are getting their full feeding through the tube they no longer receive any nutrients through their iv and the iv is removed. Then the feedings start to be given orally. Anything that is not given orally is then put into the tube. Once the full feeding is taken orally the tube is then removed. The reason this process has to happen is because when the babies are really little they burn more calories sucking than they get from the milk they are getting. Right now Alyssa is still getting her entire feedings in the form of iv fluids. Her belly isn't ready for milk yet and when she is given milk it doesn't digest. This is a pretty normal thing for a preemie to have a hard time with so no one seems too concerned. Basically once her belly is more developed she will be able to handle the feeds and they will start the process of building her up to full feeds and stopping the iv. Mason and Kyle are both doing great with their feedings. They are both receiving their entire feeding though the tube and have had their iv's removed. They should start to get some of their milk orally very soon.
Having 3 babies in the NICU is not an easy thing. It is so strange because they are our babies but we don't take care of them and we even have to ask before we can hold them. I hope that they all progress quickly and that we will all be able to go home soon. I know life will be different than it was before the babies came but I can't wait for our new normal to start and for this chapter of our lives to be behind us.

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