Thursday, November 3, 2011
No more formula :-)
Yay!!!!!!!!!! Mason and Kyle have been off of formula and drinking whole milk since right after their 1st birthday but the Dr wanted Alyssa to stay on formula, because she is so little, until she was 1 year old adjusted (10/24). I used up the rest of the formula after that and gradually switched her to whole milk. Tonight I used the last of the formula. It is sorta sad that they are all big enough to not need it anymore but I will not miss buying that stinky, expensive stuff at all.
Monday, October 24, 2011
3 teething babies.
All 3 are teething right now. Alyssa and Kyle are getting their 3rd and 4th bottom teeth and Mason is getting his first bottom molars. They are all whiny and have runny noses and they don't want to sleep at night, so they are making all of our lives hard right now. I am not trying to brag on myself but I think that I handle taking care of 3 babies pretty well but when they don't let me sleep at night it is hard to have the patience required to take care of them all day while John is at work. I guess that they should learn early on that if I don't get sleep that I have a tough time saying the same thing over and over again in a nice voice because that probably wont ever change.
Tooth Count:
Mason: 9- all 8 front teeth and the bottom right molar (he is getting the bottom left molar)
Kyle: 7- 4 on top and 3 on bottom (he is getting the other bottom front tooth now)
Alyssa: 6- 4 on top and 2 on bottom (she is getting the other 2 on bottom)
As you see they are still in the process of getting teeth right now so we will probably have a few more sleepless nights before we are done. Plus, I know that it is only a matter of time before they get more and we have to do this all over again.
Tooth Count:
Mason: 9- all 8 front teeth and the bottom right molar (he is getting the bottom left molar)
Kyle: 7- 4 on top and 3 on bottom (he is getting the other bottom front tooth now)
Alyssa: 6- 4 on top and 2 on bottom (she is getting the other 2 on bottom)
As you see they are still in the process of getting teeth right now so we will probably have a few more sleepless nights before we are done. Plus, I know that it is only a matter of time before they get more and we have to do this all over again.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Sufficient unto the day is one baby. As long as you are in your right mind don't you ever pray for twins. Twins amount to a permanent riot; and there ain't any real difference between triplets and a insurrection.
- Mark Twain
I had this on my Facebook before but wanted to share on here, of course this is an exaggeration but some days it feels like it. Mason is a climber and that makes things hard, he has now figured out how to get out of the baby fence that I have in the living room and has gotten out a few times. The first time that he got out he pushed a toy box to the fence and both Mason and Kyle climbed out. Now I need to figure this out, most likely I will take the fence down and just baby proof the house. :-(
Kyle is walking so well now, he is starting to walk more stable and he hardly falls now. Kyle loves to play with balls of any kind and he will go pick them up and walk them over to Daddy (or me if Daddy is at work) and throw the ball to us. Mason is starting to take a few steps now and he has a huge smile on his face the whole time.
Alyssa has been meeting with a nutritionist every 2-3 weeks and has had 2 appointments so far. The first appointment was on 10/1 and she weighed 14 lbs 5 oz on 10/17 she weighed 14 lbs 10 oz so 5 oz in 16 days which means 1/3 of an oz a day which is perfect!!! I am so happy that she is growing and doing so well with her milestones now.
- Mark Twain
I had this on my Facebook before but wanted to share on here, of course this is an exaggeration but some days it feels like it. Mason is a climber and that makes things hard, he has now figured out how to get out of the baby fence that I have in the living room and has gotten out a few times. The first time that he got out he pushed a toy box to the fence and both Mason and Kyle climbed out. Now I need to figure this out, most likely I will take the fence down and just baby proof the house. :-(
Kyle is walking so well now, he is starting to walk more stable and he hardly falls now. Kyle loves to play with balls of any kind and he will go pick them up and walk them over to Daddy (or me if Daddy is at work) and throw the ball to us. Mason is starting to take a few steps now and he has a huge smile on his face the whole time.
Alyssa has been meeting with a nutritionist every 2-3 weeks and has had 2 appointments so far. The first appointment was on 10/1 and she weighed 14 lbs 5 oz on 10/17 she weighed 14 lbs 10 oz so 5 oz in 16 days which means 1/3 of an oz a day which is perfect!!! I am so happy that she is growing and doing so well with her milestones now.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
They are getting too big.
Kyle has been walking for about a month now. He started walking on the 12th or 13th of September and now he is trying to run. He wants to go faster than he can handle at the time so he falls a lot but he doesn't mind, he just finishes crawling where he wants to go. Alyssa is starting to stand a little bit. Mason will take a step or two but he has the best balance to just stand when you set him on his feet. Also, Mason is a climber. He uses anything that he can find to climb, so far he hasn't fallen but he gets so excited that he forgets how to get down sometimes.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Alyssa's Surgery
Alyssa had ear tubes put in her ears on 9/14. After the tubes were placed and the fluid was drained the Dr did a hearing exam and... ALYSSA HEARS PERFECT NOW!!!
Alyssa did not want to be at the hospital. She also didn't want anyone to touch her other than me, including John. I put her down long enough to take a picture of her in her gown and this is what I got. They gave her an oral sedation so that they could take her from me and into the OR without her freaking out. After her surgery John and I met her in the recovery room. She was sleeping when we got there but once she woke up she woke up in a great mood. When we were getting ready to leave her nurse gave her a stuffed bunny for doing such a good job. The whole way home Alyssa was a super happy baby, she talked and jabbered the whole way home to herself and her toys.
Alyssa did not want to be at the hospital. She also didn't want anyone to touch her other than me, including John. I put her down long enough to take a picture of her in her gown and this is what I got. They gave her an oral sedation so that they could take her from me and into the OR without her freaking out. After her surgery John and I met her in the recovery room. She was sleeping when we got there but once she woke up she woke up in a great mood. When we were getting ready to leave her nurse gave her a stuffed bunny for doing such a good job. The whole way home Alyssa was a super happy baby, she talked and jabbered the whole way home to herself and her toys.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
1st Birthday
Mason, Kyle, and Alyssa turned 1 on 9/3/11. For their birthday we went camping at Patricks Point Campground, which is on the Northern California coast.
People who came-Relationship to the babies:
Mason-Birthday Boy
Kyle-Birthday Boy
Alyssa-Birthday Girl
Ashley-Mommy (Me)
Catherine-Great Grandma
Mark-Great Grandpa
Debbie-Great Aunt
Keith-Great Uncle
Tyler-Second Cousin
Lane-Second Cousin
Katelyn-Second Cousin
Robin-Great Great Aunt
Hector-Third Cousin
Rosie-Third Cousin (soon to be, she marries Hector on 9/30)
We drove to the campground on Saturday the 3rd, when we got there we set up camp and then they had cake, then we went on a hike to agate beach. On Sunday we went to the beach in Trinidad and then the babies opened their gifts from everyone (our walk was long the previous day so by the time we got back it was dark and bedtime for the babies). Monday we had a big breakfast, packed up camp, and came home.
Here is a Picture of our family on the triplets 1st birthday (I never call them triplets in real life, I always call them by their names, on here it is easier to just put triplets)
John is holding Kyle and I am holding Alyssa and Mason.
People who came-Relationship to the babies:
Mason-Birthday Boy
Kyle-Birthday Boy
Alyssa-Birthday Girl
Ashley-Mommy (Me)
Catherine-Great Grandma
Mark-Great Grandpa
Debbie-Great Aunt
Keith-Great Uncle
Tyler-Second Cousin
Lane-Second Cousin
Katelyn-Second Cousin
Robin-Great Great Aunt
Hector-Third Cousin
Rosie-Third Cousin (soon to be, she marries Hector on 9/30)
We drove to the campground on Saturday the 3rd, when we got there we set up camp and then they had cake, then we went on a hike to agate beach. On Sunday we went to the beach in Trinidad and then the babies opened their gifts from everyone (our walk was long the previous day so by the time we got back it was dark and bedtime for the babies). Monday we had a big breakfast, packed up camp, and came home.
John is holding Kyle and I am holding Alyssa and Mason.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Alyssa can crawl!
Wednesday evening (8/24) Alyssa began to crawl, I am so excited and she is very proud of herself.
Mason's Surgery
On Wednesday, 8-24-11, Mason had surgery for a testicular hernia as well as a chordee repair. I think that this whole thing was harder on me than him. I was so scared because they had to put my baby under with general anaesthesia to do the surgery, but he was great. He was very groggy that day of but since he hasn't been in pain, even without pain medication. Everything is healing very nicely.
Below you can see Mason before his surgery. He looked so cute in his hospital gown. Poor little guy had to go without eating but he was happy because his nurse said that he could play with the call button (she just showed me how to turn the alarm off.
Below you can see Mason before his surgery. He looked so cute in his hospital gown. Poor little guy had to go without eating but he was happy because his nurse said that he could play with the call button (she just showed me how to turn the alarm off.
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Mason in his hospital gown |
Sunday, August 21, 2011
She sat up on her own!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Over the past month or so Mason and Kyle have gotten fast at crawling and they walk along the furniture quickly as well. It is so much fun to see the two of them crawl after each other and they love it too. They race and wrestle which causes them to giggle (and sometimes cry). Alyssa hasn't really shown any interest in crawling and she just lays on her back and uses the back of her head and her feet to scoot backwards. When we sit her up she can sit for a long time and if she is near something she can pull herself up into a standing position and walk along the fence or the couch or whatever. If you haven't seen my living room the whole thing has a fence around it. It goes all around the furniture with the TV on the other side. On the inside we have all of their toys so the whole area is completely baby proof. OK, back to my point, Alyssa wasn't really interested in crawling at all and I was convinced that she was going to walk and skip crawling, she may still, but today she finally was up on all four's and trying to go. That little girl has a temper and not being able to figure this our was pissing her off. In the process of getting angry she did figure out how to go from hands and knees to sitting which is awesome.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July
Houseboat Pictures
Mason and Alyssa Swimming |
Daddy and Kyle in his life jacket. They just got back from the ski boat |
Pulling up
Mason and Kyle are both pulling themselves up into a standing position on everything now.
Mason 6/29
Kyle 7/1
Alyssa is starting to get frustrated because she see's her brothers doing things that she can't do. She starts early intervention this week so hopefully she will catch up soon.
Mason 6/29
Kyle 7/1
Alyssa is starting to get frustrated because she see's her brothers doing things that she can't do. She starts early intervention this week so hopefully she will catch up soon.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Our life lately
Recently I changed our schedule. I am trying to get the babies to eat more food so that eventually they will eat less formula. Also I was tired of them staying up so late because I felt that I wasn't ever getting a break. All 3 of them love eating, especially taking bites of whatever I am eating.
8:00 wake/bottle
10:00 solids
10:30-12:30 nap
12:30 bottle
2:30 solids
4:00 bottle
4:30-6:30 nap
6:30 solids
8:30 bottle
9:00 bed
So far this is working out great.
The boys are now both crawling and are trying to pull themselves up on things. Alyssa is sitting really well and rolls all over. She is still scooting backwards while laying on her back. All 3 of them are all over thank goodness I have them pinned in. Christina let us borrow her baby fences and we have the whole living room surrounded by them so that they have an area that they are completely safe in. This is so nice because if I have to leave the room for a second they are safe, except maybe from each other.
Last Wednesday Auntie Emily moved back from Kentucky. They love their Auntie and she loves spending time with them. It is nice that they now have an Aunt that actually wants to be part of their life and they are excited to play with her.
On Saturday we went to the houseboat. The babies had to wear their life jackets for the first time. Mason and Kyle liked them, Alyssa didn't (this doesn't surprise me one bit). While on the houseboat they swam naked in a little pool, they LOVED it. Now we have a little pool at our house for them to play in.
8:00 wake/bottle
10:00 solids
10:30-12:30 nap
12:30 bottle
2:30 solids
4:00 bottle
4:30-6:30 nap
6:30 solids
8:30 bottle
9:00 bed
So far this is working out great.
The boys are now both crawling and are trying to pull themselves up on things. Alyssa is sitting really well and rolls all over. She is still scooting backwards while laying on her back. All 3 of them are all over thank goodness I have them pinned in. Christina let us borrow her baby fences and we have the whole living room surrounded by them so that they have an area that they are completely safe in. This is so nice because if I have to leave the room for a second they are safe, except maybe from each other.
Last Wednesday Auntie Emily moved back from Kentucky. They love their Auntie and she loves spending time with them. It is nice that they now have an Aunt that actually wants to be part of their life and they are excited to play with her.
On Saturday we went to the houseboat. The babies had to wear their life jackets for the first time. Mason and Kyle liked them, Alyssa didn't (this doesn't surprise me one bit). While on the houseboat they swam naked in a little pool, they LOVED it. Now we have a little pool at our house for them to play in.
Alyssa's first tooth
Alyssa got her first tooth (bottom left) on June 16th and her right bottom tooth is close.
Mason has 4 teeth (2 middle top and 2 middle bottom) and Kyle has 2 teeth (2 middle bottom teeth).
I just want to say that teething sucks!!!! Crabby babies x 3 is miserable. Plus, since their mouths hurt they want to chew on everything including their siblings.
Mason has 4 teeth (2 middle top and 2 middle bottom) and Kyle has 2 teeth (2 middle bottom teeth).
I just want to say that teething sucks!!!! Crabby babies x 3 is miserable. Plus, since their mouths hurt they want to chew on everything including their siblings.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Mason's first word.
On May 16, 2011 Mason said his first word, "Haley." When he says it he doesn't pronounce the L so he says it Hay-eeeeeee. All 3 of the babies love the dog and get excited to see her. He only says her name when he sees her and it is always with a huge smile on his face.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Kyle has 2 teeth
Kyle has a second tooth. I hope that he gets a little break because his teeth seem to hurt him a lot when he gets them.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Kyle's 1st tooth
Kyle got his first tooth on May 6th. I have been trying to get a picture but in each picture all you can see is his tongue.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Alyssa got her ears pierced!
Today Alyssa and I went to the mall with Amanda and her daughter Mackenzie (who is almost 3). Both of the girls got their ears pierced. They were both so brave and they both look so cute. Here is a picture of Alyssa.
This is unrelated to the title, but Mason got his second bottom tooth on Thursday.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Happy 1st Easter
This weekend we went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, CA. Mason, Kyle and Alyssa loved riding around in their stroller and looking at all of the animals, they even got to ride on the Thomas Train. Here is a picture of each of them on Easter:
Mason- 4/24/2011
Kyle- 4/24/2011
Alyssa- 4/24/2011Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Dr 4/8
On 3/8 Dr. Corp decided to try a different formula for my babies. They were all fighting me on eating all the time. He wanted them to come back a month later to weigh them so that he could be sure that they were all still gaining well. Mason and Alyssa now eat a lot better but Kyle fights me almost every bottle. It is so weird, he screams and fights and then gives up and chugs 7oz in like a min. We went back last Friday and everyone is gaining well. Mason and Kyle both gained 24 ounces and Alyssa gained 22. Also, they only had to get their second flu shots so they weren't as unhappy this time.
16lbs, 4oz
Didn't get his length because John took him to be measured and he didn't ask.
10lbs, 12oz
16lbs, 4oz
Didn't get his length because John took him to be measured and he didn't ask.
10lbs, 12oz
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Mason's first tooth
Yesterday John's parent's watched the babies while we went to see Red Riding Hood. When we went to pick them up Mason had a tooth in his mouth. It is crazy that it happened so quickly. There was no tooth in the morning when I gave him a bath and got him dressed and then it was there later that day.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
At each feeding both boys eat a 7oz bottle and Alyssa eats a 4 oz bottle.
Our Feeding schedule:
4:30am (Alyssa only)
I am going to stick with this schedule because feeding them every 3 1/2 hours is the only way that I can get them to eat the amount that they need to without staying up even later. We are also starting to do solid foods. During the week they get solid foods before their 6:30pm bottle and on the weekends they get them before their 11:30am bottle also. I feed them all one bite at a time from the same spoon until they are done. At first I wasn't going to feed them from the same spoon because I think that it is sort of gross but then I watch them play and they have each others hands in their mouths so we aren't going to avoid the transfer of germs anyway so I might as well do what is easiest.
Until today the babies have just slept whenever they have wanted during the day and then slept after their night time bottle until 8am. Now none of them want to sleep during the day so by the end of the day John and I are drained because we have dealt with cranky babies all evening. Today I am starting a nap schedule. I am going to start with 3 naps.
Nap Times:
Cross your fingers that this works. I am so tired of all the crabbiness.
At each feeding both boys eat a 7oz bottle and Alyssa eats a 4 oz bottle.
Our Feeding schedule:
4:30am (Alyssa only)
I am going to stick with this schedule because feeding them every 3 1/2 hours is the only way that I can get them to eat the amount that they need to without staying up even later. We are also starting to do solid foods. During the week they get solid foods before their 6:30pm bottle and on the weekends they get them before their 11:30am bottle also. I feed them all one bite at a time from the same spoon until they are done. At first I wasn't going to feed them from the same spoon because I think that it is sort of gross but then I watch them play and they have each others hands in their mouths so we aren't going to avoid the transfer of germs anyway so I might as well do what is easiest.
Until today the babies have just slept whenever they have wanted during the day and then slept after their night time bottle until 8am. Now none of them want to sleep during the day so by the end of the day John and I are drained because we have dealt with cranky babies all evening. Today I am starting a nap schedule. I am going to start with 3 naps.
Nap Times:
Cross your fingers that this works. I am so tired of all the crabbiness.
6 month checkup
Yesterday, 3-8-11, the babies went to the Dr for their 6 month checkup and vaccinations. They each got 4 shots (2 in each leg). It is sad to watch them scream in pain but I know that it would be way worse if they were to get the diseases those shots prevent.
Height: 25 in.
Weight: 15 lbs, 8 oz
Head: 43 1/4 cm
Height: 24 in.
Weight: 14 lbs, 12 oz
Head: 41 cm
Height: 20 1/2 in.
Weight: 9 lbs, 6 oz
Head: 38 1/2 cm
4 month Dr visit 1-5-11
Mason: 23 in and 13 lbs
Kyle: 22 in and 12 lbs, 4 oz
Alyssa: 19 in and 7 lbs, 4 oz
2 month Dr visit 11-3-11
Mason: 20 1/4 in and 8lbs, 12 oz
Kyle: 20 in and 8 lbs, 2oz
Alyssa: 15 1/2 in and 3 lbs, 13 oz
Height: 25 in.
Weight: 15 lbs, 8 oz
Head: 43 1/4 cm
Height: 24 in.
Weight: 14 lbs, 12 oz
Head: 41 cm
Height: 20 1/2 in.
Weight: 9 lbs, 6 oz
Head: 38 1/2 cm
4 month Dr visit 1-5-11
Mason: 23 in and 13 lbs
Kyle: 22 in and 12 lbs, 4 oz
Alyssa: 19 in and 7 lbs, 4 oz
2 month Dr visit 11-3-11
Mason: 20 1/4 in and 8lbs, 12 oz
Kyle: 20 in and 8 lbs, 2oz
Alyssa: 15 1/2 in and 3 lbs, 13 oz
Thursday, March 3, 2011
6 months today!
I can't believe that you guys are already 6 months old. We will be celebrating your first birthday before we know it.
Happy 6 Month Birthday Mason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy 6 Month Birthday Kyle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy 6 Month Birthday Alyssa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy 6 Month Birthday Mason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy 6 Month Birthday Kyle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy 6 Month Birthday Alyssa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 3, 2011
Last March 3rd was the craziest day of my life. John and I went to the Dr thinking that we were going to have one baby and we find that we were going to have four. Well as everyone knows we do not have quads, we have triplets. I still wonder what you would have been like, but I guess that I will never know. You were only with us for a short amount of time but you will always be loved and missed.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I love John
I just wanted to say that seeing how much John loves our babies makes me love him even more. I am so lucky to be married to someone who takes such good care of all of us.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
How we spend our days.
All of the babies are now rolling over. It took Kyle the longest but now he is the pro. I was starting to think that maybe he would never roll over. Mason rolled for the first time on January 25th, 2011. Alyssa rolled for the first time on February 2nd, 2011. Kyle rolled on February 28th, 2011. All 3 of them are very happy babies and they smile and laugh a lot. They also love playing with toys now too. Oh, and they love to watch tv, but no one as much as Mason. If the tv is on, and he can't turn to see it, he screams until someone helps him out. Another of their favorite things to do is ride in the stroller while we go on walks. Well, g2g make bottles, I have hungry babies x3.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Our first family picture (9/30/10)
It has been so long since I updated my blog. The babies are all at home and have been for awhile now, which should explain me not updating here.
Kyle was the first to come home on September 30th 2010. By the 19th of September he was getting all of his feedings by bottle and decided that he would remove his own feeding tube and the nurses never needed to put it back in. After Kyle was eating all of his milk from a bottle they kept him there for a little longer before he came home. The day that Kyle came home we moved into the Ronald McDonald house because it was a better environment for babies.
Four days later, on October 4th, Mason came home too. Once Mason was done with his antibiotics he started taking all of his mild through a bottle, he never had the feeding tube put back in. He only got a small amount at first; just ask him, it wasn’t enough. The first time they feed him a bottle he loved it and from then on he would scream all day because he wanted to eat more and they wouldn’t let him. When it was feeding time he would wait with his mouth open like a little baby bird. Life with both boys was fairly easy because John and I would each take care of one baby. Everything about that time wasn’t easy though. Kyle had really bad colic and would scream for hours every night and nothing would make him feel better. Then there was Alyssa and making time to go visit her. Once babies leave the NICU they are not allowed back in. It was harder to go see her because we could only go see her one at a time because someone had to watch the boys.
Throughout the month Alyssa was growing and finally about a week and a half before they let her go home they began to feed her from a bottle and on October 23rd they removed the tube. On November 1st around 11am John and I were laying in bed sleeping because the night before we hadn’t slept very much and the phone rang. I answer and Alyssa’s nurse says that we need to come pick her up asap because they are releasing her. We were told that they wouldn’t release her until she hit the 4lb mark and the previous night she only weighed 3lbs 9oz. We still don’t know why they decided to release her early but we didn’t complain. Plus, the last few weeks that Alyssa was in the hospital she looked so sad. I think that if she hadn’t come home with us when she did she wouldn’t have done as well. John stayed home until the end of December then he returned to work. Since then I have been taking care of the babies on my own during the day. This life is crazy but I love it.
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