Wednesday, July 14, 2010

UC Davis Update.

Yesterday John and I went down to UC Davis for an anatomy ultrasound. Most people only have one of these at like 20 weeks but I was told yesterday that I will be having one every 3 weeks. I know that I should probably be happier about this because it means we get to see our babies but honestly I wish that I didn't have to this so often. When you have the anatomy scan it takes about 30-45 min per baby so with 3 that is a long time. Also, after each time they do this I always feel sore because of all of the pushing on my belly. Don't get me wrong I love seeing them often and seeing how much they have developed every time but I wish that it wasn't going to be a long ultrasound every time from now on.

I think that I forgot to post that John and I finally agreed on names a few weeks ago
The boy on my left will be Mason Howard, the boy on my right will be Kyle Joseph, and our little girl will be named Alyssa Hope.

I forgot that I had already posted an update about UC Davis as soon we went so I wrote another update on the same trip. Here is the other update, it has better info. I had a level 2 ultrasound done today. What the level 2 part means is that it is done by a doctor instead of an ultrasound tech. In my case it was done by perinatologist, DR Lock plus 2 people assisting her. All of the babies look healthy so that makes me really happy. Baby A Mason (who is actually not baby A anymore because he is no longer the lowest but we still call him A to keep the measurements straight) is estimated to be about 1lb 11 oz. Baby B Kyle (who is actually baby A now) is estimated to be about 1lb 7oz. Baby C Alyssa is our little peanut and is estimated to be about 1lb 1oz.With Alyssa being smaller this is a little bit of an issue, or I guess that I should say that it is something that may become an issue. With multiples they are watched closely for difference in size because it can mean that one of them isn't getting proper nutrients. This is not not our case because all 3 babies have their own placentas and all of their cords are giving them what they need. She is completely OK, just small, and that is fine.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Baby C is a GIRL!!!!

I went to the Dr yesterday and found out that baby C is a girl. I am so happy about this. Everything else looks good. When the Dr measured me I found out that I am measuring 35 weeks, so like 11 1/2 weeks ahead... crazy!
In the last week or so all of the babies have started kicking me like crazy. One will start kicking then it is a chain reaction. It still feels weird to me but it is also pretty neat.